Let Your Kitty Decide! Do they like to nestle on top of the rug or hide inside?

1) Vacuum your Ripple Rug when necessary to prevent nail shards, fur, and dander from embedding into the carpet pile.
2) We also recommend using a rubber glove to brush the rug and ball up the loose fur on the carpet. A sweeping motion with your hand will do the trick, it will collect a lot of fur, you might be amazed how well you can pluck fur from the rug with a glove 🙂 Tip: Using the rubber glove method actually works well to remove hair from other surfaces and clothes!
3) A sticky roller may be used all over or simply around the holes, to catch the fur that grooms your kitty as they go through the holes.
4) Remove the cat-fur natural oils built up from play time, grooming or snacking with a washing.
5) Wash clean with soap and water.
6) You may if you wish use a garden hose outside, in a bath tub or in the washing machine on cold cycle. If you decide to put your rug into the washing machine, we recommend covering the touch-points so that they don’t attach to the rug during the cycle.
7) Use basic cleaning products, no harsh chemicals.
8) If you choose to use a fabric softener it will make the carpet very soft. (If you ever want to make your carpet stiff in the future you will need to wash the rug several times without fabric softner).
9) To dry, simply hang flat/straight to dry. Do not use a clothes dryer, higher temperatures may cause the hook-tape Touch-Point to release. The Ripple Rug material dries very quickly.
10) Cats love a clean place to relax. So don’t hesitate to wash the rug if your cat barfs on it.

The below steps are a scientific method which has been adapted for people at home to household items to perform the tasks similar to our large machinery.
1) Firstly, we recommend vacuuming the carpet, this will help remove any fur that has collected on the fibers.
2) A sticky roller or rubber glove may be used all over or simply around the holes to collect fur.
3) Cleaning with soap and water helps remove the natural kitty oils left on the rug. Dish soap with grease cutter works best. (We find that a bath tub or laundry sink work really well.)
4) We also recommend hanging the rug straight to dry (rather than putting it in a dryer).
5) To dry, simply hang flat/straight to dry. Do not use a clothes dryer, higher temperatures may cause the Touch-Point to release.
**It is imperative that all oils from the fur and grooming are removed prior to using a hot iron in the following steps**
6) Now get your iron out (don’t let kitty participate in this).
7) Set your clothes-iron to the nylon/polyester setting (around 300F).
8) Place the hot iron on the underside of the Ripple Rug (the same side as the hook-tape). Do not move the iron as you would when ironing clothes. Place the iron in one spot at a time. Put the iron on the desired location for up to 60 seconds. After 60 seconds lift the iron and move to the next area. Medium pressure is needed – simply allow the weight of the iron to work its magic by heating the area for 60 seconds (note: light-medium pressure is okay, however – applying hard pressure will flatten out the rug like cardboard, irreversible damage).
Please note: Ensure NOT to apply the hot iron to any of the Touch-Points, as it may cause the Touch-Points to release. Always remember, let the iron’s weight and heat do all the work, applying pressure is optional.
9) For extra stiffness, you may use a little steam and medium pressure (use steam sparingly, as in don’t soak the rug into a soppy wet blob), or a fine spray of water can help. As before don’t apply hard pressure when ironing, just lift the iron moving it place to place around the carpet!
This process can be repeated over and over to restore your Ripple Rugs stiffness.