It’s The Flippity Floppity Rug That Cats & Kittens Love

Save Your Furniture
Cats love the texture of the Ripple Rug’s special needle-punch carpet design, making your sofa a less-desirable scratching post. Your fur baby can spend excess energy playing in the rug and not climbing up your curtains. When tired, your little one happily naps on or inside the Ripple Rug – saving you time vacuuming fur-covered couches.

The Ripple Rug folds away for quick storage, (when guests come to visit), and is easy-to-pack for convenient traveling.
While away from home, the Ripple Rug provides your pet with a safe and familiar place to play, scratch and sleep.

Be Good (To The Planet)
The Ripple Rug is environmentally friendly. The carpet is made using 100% recycled materials. Each Ripple Rug keeps 24 plastic bottles out of the landfill or floating in the ocean. The Ripple Rug is easy-to-clean, only soap and water needed – no harsh detergents are necessary.
Scratching and Territory-Bounding:
Supports mental well-being and helps burn calories = happy + trim kitty
Cats love the texture of the special needle-punch carpet design.
Hunting, Stalking, Pouncing and Hiding:
Satisfies primal urges and teaches dexterity = entertained + exercised kitty
Cats instinctively enjoy ripple tunnels and peep-holes.
Cleaning and Grooming:
Healthy cats are clean cats = clean nails + beautiful soft coat
Cat’s love the safety of the ripples to groom at their own sweet pace. They also love stretching and rolling around, leaving fur on the carpet and not your sofa.
Providing a safe environment to play with others = less scratches on your hand
Cats love when you scratch the carpet fibers with your fingers – they’re inside and you’re outside, never the twain (claw) shall meet.
Resting & Recuperation:
Defensible hidey-hole = safe place to nap, sleep and recover
The Ripple Rug helps any cat feel safe. Cats enjoy the privacy and seclusion offered by the sanctuary of the Ripple Rug. Your cat can sleep inside or even flop down onto the carpet, making a ‘nest’ to cradle themselves.
A Consistent Cat-Territory Area For Positive Behavior Reinforcement
When your kitty feels relaxed and safe they are more open to accept difficult interactions such as brushing and nail-trimming.